Turning pale
Well, I have a shiny new computer, with shiny new Windows XP & a shiny new TFT monitor. Everything is so light & bright.... I'm having to re-evaluate all sorts of stuff. Photos are suddenly washed out, my blog colour scheme doesn't have the crisp darkness it was designed with, & it's all rather unsettling!
Actually logged on here to post about mammograms (why, if the process is mammography, isn't the outcome a mammograph?) but got thrown completely off track by the visuals! Maybe another time...
Actually logged on here to post about mammograms (why, if the process is mammography, isn't the outcome a mammograph?) but got thrown completely off track by the visuals! Maybe another time...
At 22 September, 2005 13:38,
kat said…
Everything always seems to look so much lighter on the TFT monitors. Try tilting the screen to a different angle and keep it away from the sun. If that doesn't work tilt your head. :-)
Cos it's not a graph it's a film. No idea really.
At 23 September, 2005 02:35,
bluefluff said…
Decided I quite like the light'n'bright effect, now I've grown accustomed to it. Just gone off computers a bit, having spent most of day battling with the "upgraded" older ones here. Why did I listen to daughter #3's insistences? At least W98 ran the scanner & didn't turn all the MP3s into Dalek remixes... ho hum!
At 23 September, 2005 08:31,
kat said…
um.... XP and old scanners don't seem to go together. You may have to buy a nice new one. Don't know why it should mess up your MP3s.
At 23 September, 2005 13:36,
Anonymous said…
I overcompensated my TFT colour calibration curve. That's why some of my holiday blog photos look so washed out. My one at home is dreadfully dark. It all depends what angle you look at it.
At 23 September, 2005 16:37,
Anonymous said…
A helicopter was flying above Seattle when an electrical malfunction disabled all of the aircraft's electronic navigation and communications equipment. Due to the clouds and haze, the pilot could not determine the helicopter's position and course to steer to the airport.
The pilot saw a tall building, flew toward it, circled, drew a handwritten sign and held it up in the helicopter window. The pilot's sign said, "Where am I?" in large letters.
The people in the tall building thought for a while, then responded to the aircraft by drawing a large sign and holding it to the window of their building. Their sign read, "You are in a helicopter."
The pilot smiled, waved, looked at the map, determined the course to steer to the SEATAC airport and landed safely.
After they were on the ground, the copilot asked the pilot how the "You are in a helicopter" sign helped determine their position. The pilot responded, "I knew that had to be the Microsoft building because, similar to their help-lines, they gave me a technically correct but completely useless answer!"
At 24 September, 2005 01:29,
bluefluff said…
GW - nice one! I've read it before, but it does have especial relevance just now :-)
Kat - I know, I know. Have decided that upgrading old spec PCs to new OS is a Bad Idea. Spent hours today failing to fix the sound (think it probably all needs re-reformatting & starting again with up to date soundcard drivers, & I just can't face that.) Nick Cave sings nicely (yes, really!!) on PC1, but on PC2 sounds as though he's been tape recorded in a public toilet & on PC3, he apparently had his head actually in the toilet bowl at the time....
Oops, this comment is longer than most of my posts!
At 25 September, 2005 00:23,
kat said…
If you have put XP on it should have decent drivers. Have you tried looking on the Microsoft update page or the sound card's web page - they may have a driver for you. (I can't see why you should need to re-format.)
My son bought a new game today but it wouldn't go on his laptop because it needs a Directx 9.0-complaint 64 MB 3D video card with hardware T&L and pixel shader support. ( Scratches head. I was okay right up to the 'T&L and pixel shader support' ) I managed to install it on this PC and it plays okay but crashes at certain points for what seems to be a completely different reason. I haven't a clue what the error message means. I am going to have to sit down and work it all out at some point tomorrow.
At 26 September, 2005 01:30,
bluefluff said…
Yep, I'd already found an XP driver for the card & installed it, bypassing all XP's warnings about incompatibility, unsignedness & general likelihood of sky falling in if I proceeded, & lost the sound altogether! LOL! That was when I got to do my first ever System Restore...
Somewher on my travels through cyberspace I read an exact description of my problem, & the solution was to format & then install the XP soundcard driver before the OS. No thanks, & the future users of PC2 & PC3 are quite happy to plug themselves in to their MP3 player/minidisc instead, so we've decided to leave well alone.
Lessons have been learned :-)
At 26 September, 2005 01:34,
bluefluff said…
PS Forgot to say - good luck with yours, Kat!
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